My teaching background includes over 10 years of experience teaching computer related courses at the Central New Mexico Community College and the College of Santa Fe before it closed.
As a STEM Outreach specialist, I taught middle school STEM programs and was the coordinator of the Robotics Challenge. I developed new computer science and robotics curriculum. I enjoyed creating fun STEM experiences for children. I was one of the team members responsible for creating the STEM Academy website and transforming the programs to be able to provide STEM activities throughout the pandemic at a distance.
The following samples may provide a glimpse into my work at the AFRL NM STEM Academy.
One of my favorite activities is making paper circuits. I like this activity for its simplicity and the way it integrates science, technology, engineering art, math, design and creative expression. It’s amazing what kids can make with copper tape, LEDs and art materials.
Drawing with Code is a lesson used in teaching computer science. Elements of this lesson were used in a variety of programs including the Robotics Challenge.
The Robotics Challenge Orientation is a set of slides used in a meeting with teachers and volunteers to kickoff the Robotics Challenge. It provides an overview of the AFRL NM STEM Academy and the Robotics Challenge. I provided support and training to teachers and well as providing all materials, curriculum and helping students complete assignments.
All AFRL STEM Academy programs are aligned with Common Core Standards. The Robotics Challenge Standards reflect the philosophy of providing hands-on minds-on STEM activities.
I learned about the AFRL STEM Academy as a student in the CNM teacher education program. The following are some artifacts created in the teacher education program. The Computer Science and Technology course is one of a collection of courses that I would like to further develop and teach to middle school children.